Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tea Party Speech

I like many of the patriots still who still remain in America, a million and growing by most estimates, gathered to protest how our government was spending our money and what the President Obama has planned for the fruits of our future labor, at tax day tea parties across America. It seems apparent to many economists that do not support the Liberal agenda, that this spending will increase our collective debt and create many years of hardship for Americans. Money that has not been earned by us yet, is being spent by our government. Children will be born into debt America and that is absurd.
The people have shown by their participation at these parties that they are extremely concerned. I spoke in front of a large audience for my first time. I wanted to be heard eventhough I thought that I might not be able to deliver my words in a manner I would have liked.
There were others with the same feeling that I had also speaking for their fist time and I thought this is it, we finally know what Adams, Jefferson and Franklin must have felt, and it was energizing. Speaking to people with whom you have a shared interest, is always pleasant but, when that common interest is the future of the country that you love, it is exhilarating. The many people who heard my words inspired me to reach more Americans. This is my small contribution in the effort to change the course of our government.

This is a copy of the speech given in Fishkill, New York April 15,2009.

As I stand here before you tonight, I cannot help but feel pride in being part of this historic assembly. I cannot help but feel optimistic knowing that hundreds of these gatherings are going on as I speak and that private citizens like myself are addressing crowds of Americans at tea parties like this one across our great nation. Samuel Adams take heart patriotism is alive, and well in America. I also, cannot help but have admiration for you, my fellow Americans, who have seen fit to take time away from your obligations in order to stand here, in Fishkill, and be counted as one of the many who seek to defend the founding principles of our great nation.
Now, some in our nation’s capital have misrepresented themselves to us, masking their partisan agenda, and have hijacked our government. An elected few, who have taken it upon themselves, to chart a course for our nation, far different than that which our founders had envisioned. However, this change in America’s direction has not occurred overnight, nor during one administration. Rather, the deconstruction of America’s founding values and principals, has been years in the making. Our once inalienable rights are being slowly and systematically replaced by a set of laws, regulations and taxes that would be viewed as unjust by our founding fathers.
All of us here, have noticed these changes and have rightfully grown concerned. Many have discussed these very issues with family and friends. Many more have called and written their elected officials, to voice their outrage. We are here tonight because; those patriotic efforts have fallen on deaf ears. In short, our government has refused to heed the warnings and has continued to act irresponsibly with regard to the future success of America, and its citizens.
Our elected officials have all but abandoned our founding documents and principles, and have made the dubious choice to go their own way. To “wing it” as it has it has been said. In doing this, they blatantly disregard the fact that those very documents and at the risk of sounding like an arrogant American Mr. President those documents and the principals theirin are exactly what have made America, the envy of the world, the great nation of America and “the shining city upon the hill” as Ronald Reagan so eloquently stated in 1974. The abandonment of these ideals has put us in the situation that we find ourselves in today, facing huge deficits, untold debt, the devaluing of our currency, inflation, job loss, and ultimately our further economic decline.
We the people assembled here tonight, April 15, 2009, must be every bit as determined as the brave few men who once gathered around the liberty tree and gave rise to this nation. Men, who believed that they had a duty to protect their fellow countrymen from injustice and tyranny. Unfortunately, for us and I suspect to the discontent of those same Son’s of Liberty, we the people find ourselves once again at a crossroad. A place where emotions, that one never knew he had, begin to well up inside of him until they must be satisfied , and his thirst for liberty quenched. And what of this liberty that I speak ? And what are these freedoms that we hold dear? Can they even be described of articulated? Not without great difficulty, and deep thought. The reason for this , is that these ideas of liberty and freedom begin not in our minds, but in our hearts and in our souls. These are the gifts with which we have been blessed, and it is within the power of no man or group of men to deny these rights to another. Make no mistake, our government’s intrusion on the free market system coupled with corporate bailouts, amnesty for law breaking migrants and the organized theft of our private property through a myriad of taxes, fines, and surcharges are a direct assault on our individual freedoms.
It is, and has always been our founding principles, those of limited government, a free market system and a judicial adherence to the laws of our Constitution that bind us together, as Americans. These ideals have been responsible for our freedom, and the prosperity that we collectively have enjoyed.
Again, it is this change in our fundamental principles. This new course for our country that was so many times mentioned during the Presidential campaign, that has brought us here, to this place in history. It is we patriots here tonight, who have been entrusted by a declaration of our fore fathers, and our creator, to ensure that “this nation shall not perish from the Earth”.
I ask you, are we the new sons and daughters of Liberty?
Are we the people who are willing to sacrifice, and stand united in the defense of the country that we love, against a government that has abandoned us?
Are we the people, who will begin a movement focused on preserving the heritage of our great nation?
I say YES!
This is the beginning of a grass roots movement. We the people have been awakened. And we say, NO MORE.
No more, shall we permit, the squandering of our future labor and that of our children’s in support of a bloated and wasteful government bureaucracy.
No more, will we allow our hard earned dollars to be used to finance policies, entitlement programs, and the so called charitable organizations which have proven to be failures and a detriment to our collective prosperity.
NO MORE, will we allow our constitution to be trampled upon in order to placate special interests groups.
No more, will we be forced to send our wealth overseas to pay for natural resources that we possess, here at home.
No more, will we apologize to and ungrateful world merely for protecting our national interests. Nor, do we wish to align ourselves with foreign governments, whose only intentions, are to siphon our strength, and jeopardize our sovereignty, under the guise of some new world order.
We love America as it was, and is. We, honor the constitution and our heritage and we respect the memories of all those who have fought to protect them.
Let us, on this night , pledge to sacrifice as our forefathers have.
Let us, pledge to engage those Americans who may not fully understand America’s history or her sacred place among the world’s nations.
Let us, vow to support all of those who have taken this pledge with us, and enable them to serve America in any capacity where they feel that they can best promote the general welfare.
Citizens like us must become more active and vocal in our communities and in our nation in order to restore this great society to its eternal place, as the beacon of hope to the world’s oppressed. It is in this way, that we will be successful in defending our liberties from our enemies who reside within our borders, and abroad.
Going forward, we must convince our representatives, that it is their obligation to act for the common good, and not just for the benefit of those groups, unions or individuals that serve their own interests. Because, any legislation that favors one American over another is an injustice to us all. If these people whom we have elected betray that sacred trust, the trust between public servant and constituent, then it is the duty of every red blooded American to oppose them, and do all within our power to remove them from the service of the people.
The time where the American people will allow the branches of our government to reign unchecked over us are past. We must defeat the political apathy that has become commonplace in too many Americans. We must be ever vigilant and remain undaunted in this, the people’s most important function, to ensure that our great nation endures.
God bless, protect and help us to preserve America. Thank you.
Edward Gibson

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