Thursday, April 30, 2009

Climate Change

Senators and Congress- people?,

The fact that you have claimed "climate change" to be a critical issue demonstrates either your gullibility or lack of respect for the science that does not support the theory to which the Cap and Trade legislation refers. Please, familiarize yourself with the so called "denier" science. There is a multitude of it out there from what I have seen and from many different sources unlike the Gore and George Soros sponsored propaganda. But, the trouble does not end there, cap and trade, socialized medicine, unmonitored immigration, card check, welfare expansion, government sponsored corporate takeovers, tax increases, inflation and the ever growing list of entitlement programs that are sapping our future tax dollars are beyond comprehension and a detriment to our future prosperity.
We are on this planet for a short time. Further burdening our decedents with debt is an injustice and a detriment to the "general welfare". Taking more money from American families is extremely unfair. The taxpayers, who will fund these programs, work tirelessly to provide a decent life and education for themselves and their children much like you and your family, I am sure. These should not be the families punished for the mistakes of others or to fund science fiction.
Many of us have noticed the inconsistency in the stories and misrepresentation of the facts that have led us to this point in our nation’s history. You have done us a great disservice with your recent votes. It is time to step out of line and preserve this America. Vote against all legislation that increases our collective debt or which increase the federal governments share of the GDP. History has proven your current course to be a disastrous one. The federal funding to combat “climate change” or “global warming” as it was previously called will prove to be a costly error and a needless burden on the American taxpayers.
Explain please, how we will pay for all these needless expenditures. Forgive me; liberals don’t view programs as needless spending. It goes to fund the common good. Who’s good? Not mine and not my children’s. My children will be forced to pay this debt and your children as well.
You think it fair to take more from those who give and produce the most, enabling those who by their own decisions, produce the least. I think that is slavery. My definition of slavery is when one person toils for the gain of another. If we are already slaves, in some way to our respective employers, should we then have to be a slave to our governments as well? All to give more to those unwilling to provide in the best way that they can for their family’s well being. You and many others have voted many times with contempt for the general welfare. It is time for the people’s public servants to vote not with their political interests as a priority, but with respect to the future and past of our country, its citizens and future citizens for that matter. None of these plans which have been voted on, not the bailouts, not the stimulus or the auto rescue, none have changed our economy for the better. These are the things that have brought us to this bleak time in our history. But, Americans will rise above if given the opportunity from their government, which sould not even be the case but sadly the government has grown so large that it now effects every man, women and child's well being.

God bless, protect and help us to preserve America,
Edward Gibson

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